for those who don't follow my facebook or twitter... i'll say it here.
i've turned in my notice to the studio that i've been working for for over 5 years. this move will allow me to focus on making my career my art. this is a big move for me... and i'm very excited about it.
also, it means ALL PENDING COMMISSIONS ON MY PLATE WILL BE DONE BEFORE SAN DIEGO. if you've been waiting (and thank you for waiting so patiently!) you'll get your artwork very soon!
thanks for all your support. without my family, friends and fans... i wouldn't feel like i was in a position to do this.
congrats on such a big decision and good luck with it. Doubt you'll have too many problems. Love your work!
Posted by: | June 10, 2010 at 02:53 PM
Go, Katie! Best of luck.
One hopes this doesn't mean you'll become one of those starving artists. But with your ever-growing reputation and fame, fortune (or at least a decent living) can't possibly be far off.
Posted by: Beagleboy | June 10, 2010 at 06:52 PM
The force is strong in this one!
Congrats Katie! You're living the dream! You will be wonderfully successful, without a doubt.
Posted by: Lenny Wojt | June 10, 2010 at 10:40 PM
You'll do wonderfully, Katie. I think you're already well on your way to becoming an even larger success. You definitely have the fan base for it and as a big fan myself, I wish you the best of luck! :D
Posted by: | June 10, 2010 at 10:44 PM
You are gonna rock the art world now that your full powers can be unleashed!!! Its seriously going to be crazy how awesome you are going to do!!! I would say good luck...but someone as badass as yourself doesn't need luck. :) Go get em tiger!!!
Posted by: Zachary Kelsey | June 10, 2010 at 11:48 PM
OH wow, that's a very big step for an artist to take and I always love seeing when someone takes the leap. Congratulations!
Posted by: Seanward | June 11, 2010 at 01:30 AM
Making the decision to quit my job working for someone else to do my own thing was both the scariest and best decision that I've ever made. Congrats again!
Posted by: Fredchamberlain | June 11, 2010 at 07:51 AM
I just wanted to wish you good luck! I think you're making the right decision and I hope that your life will be better and more fulfilled for it :)
Posted by: Braetastic | June 11, 2010 at 09:33 AM
It's been a while, but I AM still on your list, right? I'm still not in any hurry, just want to make sure I haven't been forgotten. ;)
Posted by: Danny Limor: Super-Genius Time Traveler | June 12, 2010 at 06:01 PM
Congratulations, Katie!
Posted by: Michael May | June 12, 2010 at 07:20 PM