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July 02, 2010



My daughter would FLIP over the Labyrinth page! Shame I am broke...



Absolutely LOVE the Labrinith print! The more I see your work the more I fall in love with it! I am waiting for an announcement about the Lucasfilm deal! I hope your SD Comic Con sketchbook will be available online for purchase for everyone...I want one.


Katie drawing Bowie and a new Gronk? Today is officially awesome.


Nicely done! Those look awesome. Will you be at Wizard World in Chicago this year?

Ink Horn

You did such a great job. I recognized the first pinup before reading your post, and I have not seen The Dark Crystal since it first came out on VHS. Wow the memories.

It is also kind of curious you also posted a pinup for the Labyrinth. I have not been able to get that movie our of my mind since I saw this weird commercial yesterday for Fushi balls, or something like that.

Liz Brochu

wow...a katie cook bowie.


I just love how your art reminds me of the worlds most awesome colouring book. I know, maybe not what you were thinking, but I would love to own a Cook colouring book!

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