Hey everyone! (Everypony?)
I will be at EMERALD CITY CON this week! http://www.emeraldcitycomicon.com
I'm at table B-08 in artists' alley... I will have gronk books, mini-paintings, prints, original art and more! :)
I WILL be doing some larger commissions (And I have a couple of blank MLP comic sketch covers). COMMISSIONS ARE FIRST COME FIRST SERVE at the start of Friday and Saturday and are avaiable for pickup the next day. If you want a larger piece, COME BY EARLY!
I will also be doing TWO panels on Saturday! (info here:http://www.emeraldcitycomicon.com)
Room: 2AB
Time: 1:00PM - 1:55PM
Room: ECCC KIDS! - ROOM 201
Time: 3:00PM - 3:55PM
I'm officially going to be using that online TV thing the con is using to stream panels for you Horror Stories one. Loved it last year but we're only attending Sunday this year again. See you there!
Posted by: Elysha Fisher | February 27, 2013 at 03:42 PM